In this post we’re going to convey about a few ways to build your digital presence. We help small businesses grow with our marketing and design, talent and technology, through our number one platform NRdigi. We call marketing and design an Art and we love Art, and hopefully, these blogs will help you fall in love with Art too. So make sure to follow us to learn tips, tricks, and strategies to grow your business and power your brand.

Web Design Digital strategy

The first thing we’re going to talk about is developing a conversion-based web design. Now you may have colors, logos, and styles that you prefer. They may be different than what I prefer, or what your customers prefer, or your partner prefers. Now what you prefer, honestly, it doesn’t really matter. We’re building a website that needs to focus on your customers, and at the end of the day, by focusing on your customers, making the website easy for them deal with, making the brand show through your design and through your assets, making it very simple for them to take the action you want to take, creates convertible web design.

Now that’s not to say that you can’t inject your own desires or your own preferences into the design, you should. It’s your brand, it’s your business. But keep in mind, what you like may not be what other people like, and at the end of the day, by having a conversion-based web design, you increase your opportunity to grow your business and increase your sales.

SEO and PPC strategies

The second strategy is to invest your SEO and your PPC. Now, a lot of people will get worried about this because it’s generally going to require money or an infusion of investment. So, keep in mind, this is where your marketing pays off. This is something to really pay attention to. By investing in your SEO long term, you can develop a higher-ranking, a better ranking on Google, and Bing, and any other search engine. This is very valuable for you because you want to rank highly, and you want to take that digital business. The more business you have, the less business your competitors have. Additionally, this builds trust, and trust is key when you ‘retrying to develop relationships and increase sales with your customers.

focus on your pay per click advertising, your PPC. This is a pay-to-play game, but statistically speaking, more people are going to interact with the ads on top of a Google search result or Bing, or really anywhere else that you’re listing your ads. This is a great way to guarantee that you can be on top and in front of them when they intend to find you. Invest here, and it will pay dividends in the future.

Remarketing Digital strategies

The next step is retargeting. You’ve driven people to your website, it’s conversion-based. You’ve been investing in your SEO and your PPC. Now, you need to focus on making sure that these people are coming back to your site. Statistically, 90% of people that visit your site for the first time are not going to take the action that you desire for them to take. They’re not going to buy, they’re not going to fill out a form, and they’re not going to interact with your business. On average, it takes about five times for a consumer to see your brand, your logo, or a business asset of your business, before they trust you enough to give you their information or to take the action that you want. By investing in retargeting and building that list, you can assure that you are bringing people back to your website, and increasing your value.

“Online reputation” strategy

Next, you want to focus on your online reputation. This is key.90% of people will not interact with a brand, which means they won’t purchase from you, they won’t give you their information if you have no reviews. You built the website, you’ve been investing in your marketing, you’ve been investing in driving them back to your site, but if you don’t have reviews and a great online reputation, all of that is a waste. Make sure that you’re focusing on having a great online reputation. Making sure you have reviewed all across different review platforms like Google My Business and Facebook. Another great opportunity is Top Rated Local listing sites. This allows you a free profile and a great way to generate reviews, plus positive reviews, from all of the other platforms. A fantastic way for customers to understand who you are, what you do, and why they should trust you.

Video Marketing strategy

Next, invest in your content. Specifically, invest in videos. Videos are your 24/7 salesperson. You can take as much time as you need to develop your perfect sales pitch. You can have as many time and time again of reading the script, and starting from the beginning, and trying new things, and trying new locations until you nail it. Once you’ve nailed it, you put that video up on your social platforms, up on your website, up on your conversion pages, and you have a 24-hour salesman (video) that is using the exact pitch that you want to drive customers through the sales process.

Additionally, this is a great way to get people to interact with your brand. Videos also rank highly on Google and YouTube. So, if you’re building up your content base of videos, and you’re building up this content or this foundation of information that you can provide to your customers, your building trust, you’re building SEO value, and really, at the end of the day, you’re providing a service to your customers that will make them trust you and want to work with you in the future.

Social Media Marketing strategy

Focus on your social media. These are free platforms for you to set up and all they do is expand your digital business and your presence. 50% of consumers say that social media influences their shopping behaviors. Now you don’t just have to be an e-commerce or online business owner to take advantage of social media. Because of the opportunity to reach people and communicate with people on a platform that they’re familiar with, that they already have trust with, this is your chance to extend and expand your marketing reach without really investing an awful lot of money.

Now, that’s not to say that you shouldn’t invest financially into your social media, but primarily, especially in the beginning, you want to be investing in your content by producing videos, communicating with the people, and providing information for them be it statistics, or pictures of projects that you’ve done, information on your e-commerce products, anything like that. By investing in your social media, this gives you an extension of your website and really allows you to get in front of people while they’re not really looking for you, but their behaviors, their intentions, their socio-economic status, anything else you can learn about your customers, you use that information to make sure that you’re in front of them when they need you.

CRM (customer relationship management)

Stay ahead of the competition by utilizing a CRM (example Salesforce CRM). Now if you’re having a business that’s just starting out using a CRM, or a Customer Relationship Management, it is a really powerful way to avoid needing to stock up on all those yellow legal pads. By avoiding this, and stepping away from the analog world, you’re able to build automation into your sales processes. You’re able to really invest in spending time with your customers instead of investing all that time working on your customers and trying to identify your data. By focusing on all of this, you’re able to really extend your business and grow your brand without spending a lot of time on things that don’t really mean a lot.

If you’re an existing businessman you’re needing to move to a CRM, there can be a couple of complications, there You have to retrain your staff, you have to learn how a CRM works. But I suggest you look into this as a fantastic opportunity to grow your business. Everybody is working towards a CRM. This is the movement that marketing is headed towards. If you are not getting on the ball, and moving along with this technology, you are going to be left behind, and your competition will outstrip you. Get involved, get a CRM first and get ahead of everybody else. Now, we do have a free CRM that we built for small businesses, and you can check that out at NRdigi.

We go really into detail and in-depth on these different tips and strategies. Take a chance, view that, educate yourself, and your business will flourish. I want to thank you guys so much for spending your precious time. If you have other ideas or anything else that you’d like us to work on, please comment below.

happy marketing